Wednesday 17 February 2021

Oathmark - Pitched Battle

Battle five of the Oathmark campaign is a pitched battle as the Baron of Boarwick and the Goblins and Orcs of West Orcland attempt to add more territory to their lands.

The armies are 2500 points (2480 and 2481 to be precise) which gives me an opportunity to use my new dragon model.

Deployed and ready to go.

The Orc warriors and Caledrath the dragon get stuck in. While a giant "sneaks" through the trees.

The orcs take a beating but manage to wound the dragon. Which fails morale (two ones rolled) and becomes "disordered".

Baron Boarwicks spearmen are disordered by orc archery. 

A combination of longbow shooting and Merrylyn and her fireballs kills off these trolls.

While the other trolls break the disordered spearmen.

The dragon Caledrath recovers enough to breathe fire upon the orcs but their somehow their morale holds.

The revenant dead attack the Locksley bowmen.

And the giant comes out of the trees to fight the dragon. 

Caledrath gets the upper hand.

The Barons knights deal with the revenants but in doing so expose their flank to the goblin general's wolf riders. The goblins roll to charge but with three twos on the dice fail their attempt. 

The giant dies!.

The orc warriors bravely charge in.

The knights charge in.

They are winning the melee but Gorbag intervenes with his poisonous gas cloud. I had heard that West Aucklanders eat a lot of beans!.

On the far flank the wolf rider scouts break the bowmen. 

The dragon breaks the brave orcs.

And after another poison gas attack Merrylyn immolates another Gorbag, the goblin general flees the field.

A fine victory for the men of Boarwick. They can now choose a territory to add to their domain.

They add the Elven forest of Gildorel to the Barony.
The forest is located at the southeast of the new amended map below.

Another grand game, I am thoroughly enjoying this project. 


  1. You are not the only one enjoying this... great battle report!

    1. Cheers Springinsfeld, I particularly like the unit options that the territories give for an army. I have bought myself a small number of elves this morning to add to the Boarwick army because of the land acquired due to last nights battle.
      It is a good excuse to buy new things.
